• +302103229303
  • apc@apc.gr

题为《海洋渔民/养殖者和利益相关者评估并参与 Pinna-SOS 物种恢复行动的意愿》的论文已在科学期刊《Fishes》上发表(Fishes 2024, 9 (8), 297),其中包括APC S.A.的参与。该论文探讨了希腊渔业和海洋水产养殖领域主要职业群体以及相关行政当局和其他海洋相关利益相关者在 Pinna nobilis 物种恢复行动中的能力和意愿。论文还记录并评估了相关利益相关者关于该物种在该国重要区域出现的观察结果。


该论文是项目《濒危物种(Pinna) Pinna nobilis 招募的创新监测-恢复-辅助行动》(MIS 5052394)的一部分,该项目由希腊渔业和海洋2014-2020年运营计划(EPALTH 2014-2020)资助。


APC S.A. 参加了于 2024 年 4 月 22 日至 25 日在巴塞罗那举办的国际海鲜博览会。

国际海鲜博览会 / 海鲜加工全球博览会是全球海鲜产品的展览会,吸引了来自世界各地的专业人士和买家。今年的活动是历史上规模最大的,来自 87 个不同国家的 2000 多家参展商。


在由欧洲水产养殖协会(EAS)于2023年18日至21日在维也纳举办的AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2023大会上(https://aquaeas.org/Meeting/AE2023 ), APC SA 提交了两篇(2)科学报告,您可以在会议论文的第1449-1450页和1452-1453页找到这些报告(https://eposters.blob.core.windows.net/eas-eposters/AE2023AbstractBook.pdf)。



1)捕贝人/养殖户在低营养水产养殖中的地方生态知识(LEK)促进了濒临灭绝的贝母(Pinna nobilis)的保护(PinnaSOS项目)(http://www.pinnasos.upatras.gr/index.php/el/pinna-sos)



2)希腊CE地中海贻贝养殖中的入侵性海鞘、海绵和Rapana whelks管理


APC S.A. contributes to corporate social and environmental responsibility initiatives, supporting actions related to the restoration of the critically endangered mollusk species Pinna nobilis, coordinated by the University of Patras (Associate Professor Dr. Ioannis Theodorou).

In light of the encouraging data from the summer of 2022, when living Pinna individuals were discovered within the framework of the innovative project "Innovative Actions for Monitoring-Recovery-Assistance of the Threatened Species (Pinna) Pinna nobilis," funded by the Operational Program "Fisheries and Maritime Affairs" 2014-2020 (MIS 5052394), the University of Patras, with the goal of continuing the effort to aid the recovery of the species (repopulation), decided to proceed with a renewed search and collection of young Pinna individuals in specific marine areas of Greece during the second half of 2023.

In this significant endeavor, APC provided financial support to acquire a portion of the broodstock deployed in Western Greece. Additionally, APC S.A. mobilized companies in the field of marine aquaculture to offer additional sponsorships for the procurement of necessary equipment by the University of Patras, facilitating the execution of the aforementioned sampling, which, as mentioned, constitutes the essential first step in assisting the repopulation of Pinna. The response from the companies was satisfactory, demonstrating that the marine aquaculture sector can and should contribute tangibly and consistently to the promotion of biodiversity protection, actively supporting the sustainability of marine ecosystems and beyond.

We would like to announce that APC s.a. proceeded to the creation of the new version (2023) of the MAP OF MARINE AQUACULTURE UNITS IN GREECE, which shows the current situation and spatial planning of the aquaculture sector, which is a pillar of development of the primary sector in the country's reconstruction effort.

We hope that this map will help all stakeholders.

The article “Value Chain for Non-Indigenous Bivalves in Greece: A Preliminary Survey for the Pearl Oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata", with the participation of APC S.A. was published in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 95). The article investigates through an integrated survey, for the first time in Greek shellfish market, the marketing distribution towards a new edible shellfish product that of the non-indigenous pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata.

This research was a part of the project “Commercial exploitation of the pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata by adding value through the development of processed products” (MIS 5010850) funded by the Greek Operational Programme for Fisheries and Sea 2014-2020.

Article link: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1312/11/1/95 

The STARFISH 4.0 Program received the award for the best project in the category "Sustainable fisheries, aquaculture and coastal community development", at the 3rd WestMed Stakeholder Conference, Rome November 2021.

The event was organized by the WestMed Initiative in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and attracted around 300 participants and 30 expert speakers.

APC attended the event and received the award for the STARFISH 4.0 Program which it implements in collaboration with CLS and ECR companies.




EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) is a platform developed by EU to help professionals and citizens who "operate" in sea, as well as public authorities and researchers, so to have information on many aspects of the marine environment, such as depth, biology, chemistry, geology, human activities, physics, biodiversity and seabed ecosystems.

One of the sectors that has an absolute and constant need for reliable elements of the marine environment is aquaculture.

In this context, EU created a video to promote EMODnet to aquaculture operators. The video also features the President of APC s.a. Nikos Anagnopoulos, who is a member of the EMODnet experts development team, regarding the aquaculture sector.

Watch the video and consider putting EMODnet in the daily operation of your aquaculture unit.



APC s.a. has completed the preparation of the Multiannual National Strategic Plan for the Development of Aquaculture of the country for the new programming period 2021 - 2027, which was received by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.


This Plan includes all the actions and interventions for the sustainable development of the aquaculture sector and is a basis for the financing of the sector in the Operational Program for Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture (EMFFA) 2021 - 2027 that will be implemented.


It will soon be on public consultation.


The preparation of a study for the revision / updating of the Multi-annual National Strategic Plan for the development of aquaculture in the new programming period 2021 - 2027 was assigned by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food to APC s.a.

This period (and especially the years 2021 - 2023) is crucial for the sector, as very important credits will be available from EMFF 2014 - 2020, EMFFA 2021 - 2027 and the Recovery Fund, which require an improved management system and a radically reformed institutional framework to support entrepreneurship.

The assignment of the project to APC s.a. is a recognition of the long-standing and in-depth knowledge of the industry and a prelude to the planning of a sustainable development of aquaculture in the country.





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