• +302103229303
  • apc@apc.gr
28 八 2020

The new development plan for aquaculture in Greece

The preparation of a study for the revision / updating of the Multi-annual National Strategic Plan for the development of aquaculture in the new programming period 2021 - 2027 was assigned by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food to APC s.a.

This period (and especially the years 2021 - 2023) is crucial for the sector, as very important credits will be available from EMFF 2014 - 2020, EMFFA 2021 - 2027 and the Recovery Fund, which require an improved management system and a radically reformed institutional framework to support entrepreneurship.

The assignment of the project to APC s.a. is a recognition of the long-standing and in-depth knowledge of the industry and a prelude to the planning of a sustainable development of aquaculture in the country.





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